From the desk ov: Thee Rev. Spook
"one or none"
-by rev.spook
IT was lonely
'was'-ing cast a shadow
IT examined IT's shadow and thus became:
once 'thing'; IT realized that through 'examination'...
IT had become 2
2 being viewed was awakened to 3
IT became aware of the fact that IT was still alone
'thing' multiplied and danced about in shadow
trying to amuse IT
IT was amused
so amused was IT that IT's attention grew a toothy-grin
'thing' was soon in a quite uncomfortable state
being grinned at and pricked here and there with needle like teeth
'thing' had nowhere to run
so 'thing' looked within and found his inner 'IT'
'thing' had found the tool necessary
to evade IT's all-encompassing maw
a mighty sword appeared to 'thing'
the sword had a name...
ego broke many a tooth fending IT's bite off of 'thing'
soon IT's attention was on ego
this battle is still being fought today
only 'man' cloaked in shadow with
wit of IT and knowledge of 'thing'
...can neutralize the fight
*learn to stop identifying with 'form';
you are not your body.
*learn to stop identifying with 'thought';
you are not your mind.